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Welcome to the EON Web Site!

   This band was the first step in my learning process for professionalism. Jeff Taylor was certainly a shrewd businessman, Mark Armstrong never settled for anything less than hard work and perfection and Paul Sanders' creative process was unequaled. I became a HUGE sponge and tried my best to absorb the best quailties of each member of this band. I owe much of my success based on the high standards of my Eon bandmates. It was quite a blow when my British brother passed away. Paul brought from England his passion of songwriting and arranging wizardry and I have a huge regret that I never got a recording of his genius, especially the rendition of 'Help' that he and I weaved together. Mark and Jeff was there for me when my mother passed away and they've always been special people for me. Thanks guys!


Boogie on back to the Official Randy Beidelschies Web Site !!!!

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Randy Beidelschies 239-304-2016